How To Take Good Care of Yourself At Workplace If You Are A Diabetic

Managing diabetes at the workplace without impacting your work performance is not difficult if you are regular in checking your blood sugar levels and keep taking insulin when needed. How you manage your diabetes is one of the determining factors that determines your life insurance with diabetes premiums.  It is important to do so as low or high blood sugar can cause weakness, dizziness, and even make you slightly unconscious. 

Conducting a risk assessment

If you are an employer, it is advisable to conduct a risk assessment with your employees to understand –

  • How controlled is their blood sugar levels
  • The medication they use
  • If the work pressure allows them to take regular breaks to check their blood sugar
  • If the work stress is affecting their blood sugar
  • Are the working conditions safe for them like driving alone or working for long hours?

However, as an employee, it is your responsibility as well to take care of your diabetic condition at the workplace. Therefore, follow some simple steps to do so.


Begin your day on a healthy note before you move to the office to keep your blood sugar levels steady

  • Ensure to get good sleep
  • Avoid skipping the breakfast
  • Keep yourself hydrated

Speak to your employer

If it is becoming difficult to take snack breaks while at work, or you do not have a good storage place for keeping your diabetic supplies like insulin then it is time you need to speak to your employer. 

Your needs are essential at the workplace so explain to your boss about your diabetic condition if they are not much aware of it. You can also get a written note from your doctor.

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It is your right and you can ask for certain changes in the workplace to help you manage the disease. Your boss is bound to meet any reasonable request that helps you to complete your job.

Consume healthy snacks

Prepare yourself for carb cravings as there will be lots of unhealthy snack occasions in the office. Even if you indulge, try to eat small portions keeping a close watch on your sugar levels.

  • Keep protein bars
  • A lunchbox with chopped veggies and hummus
  • Eat healthy fat like almonds or walnuts
  • Take drinks like unsweetened ice tea or green tea

Take breaks from work

If your job involves long hours of working at the desk, find ways for physical activities like 

  • Take a break, walk up and down or go for short walks every 30 minutes
  • Stretch your muscles 
  • If possible, ask your employer for a standing or treadmill desk

Keep tools on hand

An emergency can crop up anytime so keep your tools on hand if your sugar levels go down.

  • Ask your employer for a storage place to keep your supplies on hand
  • Keep a note of how the gear works in case you are unable to give directions
  • Carry a continuous glucose monitor that can be kept in your pocket 
  • Wear it on the belt clip that alerts if your sugar levels are too high or low.
  • Foot pain is common in diabetes due to nerve damage hence, wear diabetic socks at the workplace to minimize the pain 

Implementing all such precautions at your workplace ensures that you remain healthy under the prevailing diabetes condition.   In addition, by properly maintingin your health and diabetes, you may qualify for life insurance for type 1 diabetics that is provided by your employer.

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About the Author: mindmingles