IPv4 and IPv6 Difference | Compare ipv4 and ipv6

ipv4 and ipv6 difference


IPv4 and IPv6 Difference

In the age of internet most of the electronic devices are get accessing through internet. Not only smartphones but also a computer, digital watch, automobiles and many other devices are using internet. Nowadays, the internet using devices are increasing day by day and it is also founded that the single man is using many devices to connect with internet. The number of internets using devices are increasing rapidly which leads large number of connections. We all may know that Internet is running in our devices with the help of IP address (Internet Protocol address). In absence of IP address in our device we can’t get access to internet or we can’t connect our device to internet. In this article we are going to finding out the ipv4 and ipv6 difference, compare ipv4 and ipv6, make clear about ipv4 ipv6 difference, difference between ipv4 and ipv6 or comparison between ipv4 and ipv6 and difference between ipv4 and ipv6 in tabular form. You can download the pdf file after reading this completely and sharing this article in your social accounts.
Before finding out the difference between ipv4 and ipv6 it is necessary to know What is IP address, what is IPv4 and IPv6? So, lets know all about what is…
ipv4 and ipv6 difference
difference between ipv4 and ipv6


What is IP address?

IP address stands for Internet Protocol address used to identify and connect the electronic device in internet. IP address is a special code which is used to identify in internet which contains the location and network. IP address are divided in 4 parts with dots (.) symbol. IP is a specific address made in same format but different for every internet user. Internet Protocol address is that protocol which defines and enables internetworking and connect the device with internet.
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ipv4 and ipv6 difference

If we compare ipv4 and ipv6 or in comparison between ipv4 and ipv6 we can find many difference between ipv4 and ipv6. The comparisonbetween ipv4 and ipv6 are mentioned in details.

difference between ipv4 and ipv6 in tabular form


Full Name
Internet Protocol Version 4
Internet Protocol Version 6
Packet Size
576 bytes required
1280 bytes required
Total Range
Around 4 billion possible addresses
340 undecillion possible addresses
32 bits (4 bytes)
128 bits (16 bytes)
Address Example
Addressing Range
32 bit dotted-decimal address (232)
128-bit hexadecimal address (2128)
Optional with respect to network security.
Compulsory with respect to network security.
Checksum in Header
Checksum is included in Header.
Checksum is not included in Header.
Optional Data
Header Includes Options
Optional Data of IPv6 is supported as extension headers.
DNS records
Use (Address) A record in DNS to map host name
Use AAAA record in DNS to map host name.
Done by routers and sending hosts.
Done only by Sender.
Manual configuration, DHCP
Automatic configuration, DHCP
Broad cast and Multi cast
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) manages membership in local subnet group.
MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery) manages membership in local subnet group.
Address Space
Address space is small (232)
Address space is large (2128)
Address Type
Includes broadcast, multicast and unicast address.
Includes any cast address.


ipv4 and ipv6 difference

1.  Full Name
IPv4 stands for Internet Protocol Version 4. Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol (IP) which was initially deployed in 1981.
IPv6 stands for Internet Protocol version 6. If we compare ipv4 and ipv6 difference then IPv6 is the latest version of the Internet Protocol (IP) and it became a draft standard in 1998 and deployed in 1999. IPv6 is the sixth version of Internet Protocol address which provides a larger address space. IPv6 is more complex newer alphanumeric IP addresses.
2.  Packet Size
If we talk about the packet size of IPv4 then it requires 576 bytes. The size of packet used in IPv4 address is 576 bytes and requires fragmentation as optional. Similarly, the packet size requires or used by IPv6 is 1280 bytes. The size used in IPv6 is without fragmentation. This is because the packet fragmentation is done only by Sender or hosts.

ipv4 and ipv6 difference

3.  Total Range
Another differencebetween ipv4 and ipv6 is Range value of it. IPv4 provides around 4 billion possible addresses with its 32-bit scheme. It means that the number of possible IP address that can be made through IPv4 is around 4 billion. Through IPv4 we can connect around 4 billion devices to internet.
If we talk about IPv6 then it provides 340 undecillion possible addresses. It means that the number of IP address that can be generated through IPv6 is around 340 undecillion unique addresses for the device to use.
Internet connectivity devices are increasing day by day which requires a certain unique digit address to run with internet. It means, it requires a unique IP address to run so to provide a unique IP address to all the devices the use of IPv4 and IPv6 is made into use.
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4.  Length
If we talk about another ipv4 and ipv6 difference then the length of IPv4 is based on 32 bits or 4 bytes. IP addressing scheme of IPv4 is of 32-bit. The address of IPv4 are 32 bits (4 bytes) in length. Similarly, the address length of IPv6 are 128-bits. The address length used in IPv6 is 16 bytes.

compare ipv4 and ipv6

5.  Address Example
We can also find ipv4 ipv6 difference in terms of Prefix notation. IP address of IPv4 is like which is separated by Dots. Similarly, the Address of IPv6 is like 2001:db8::8a2e:370:7334 which is separated by Colons.
6.  Addressing Range
The addressing range of IPv4 is based on 32 bit dotted-decimal address. In comparison between ipv4 and ipv6 the addressing range used in IPv4 is 232. IPv6 uses 128-bit hexadecimal address. It uses hexadecimal address to provide multiple scope 2128.
ipv4 and ipv6 difference
compare ipv4 and ipv6
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7.  IPsec
If we compare ipv4 and ipv6 then the use of IPsec is treated as optional with respect to network security. In IPv4 IPsec is optional and should be supported externally. Whereas, In IPv6 IPsec support is not optional. The use of IPsec in IPv6 is mandatory. IPv6 requires an IPsec support to be configured. We can find inbuilt IPsec support in IPv6.
ipv4 ipv6 difference
8.  Checksum in Header
Checksum is included in header of IPv4. The header of IPv4 includes a checksum. Checksum field is available in IPv4 header. ipv4 ipv6 difference clears that, the use of Checksum in IPv4 is required to measure the errors occur in header. Similarly, the IPv6 doesn’t include or have checksum. No Checksum field in header of IPv6.
9.  Optional Data
The header of IPv4 includes the optional data. Options field are available in IPv4 headers. Optional Data of IPv6 is supported as extension headers. The difference between ipv4 and ipv6 is that, IPv6 doesn’t contain any type of optional data but it contains extensions headers. IPv6 optional data is supported as extension headers. If we talk about IPv6 then all the optional data is moved to IPv6 extension headers.

difference between ipv4 and ipv6

10.     DNS Records
On the basis of DNS record we can find ipv4 and ipv6 difference. IPv4 Use (Address) A record in DNS to map host name. The DNS name quires used by IPv4 is A records. IPv4 address A records in DNS. In another hand, IPv6 Use AAAA record in DNS to map host name. It means that, IPv6 address AAAA records in DNS.
11.     Fragmentation
The fragmentation process is done by hosts and routers in IPv4. We can say that the fragmentation in IPv4 is done by Sender and Forwarding routers. If we compare ipv4 and ipv6 in terms of fragmentation then done only by Sender. In IPv4 both the routers and hosts fragment the packets. In IPv6 router doesn’t support packet fragmentation. So, fragmentation in IPv6 is done only by Sender or host.

comparison between ipv4 and ipv6

12.     Configuration
Manual configuration is required in IPv4 address. Address configuration are done through Manual configuration or via DHCP. DHCP
In IPv6 nodes are auto capable of auto configuration. So, there is no need of Manual or auto configuration in IPv6.
13.     Broadcast and Multicast
There is the availability of Broadcast and Multicast are available in IPv4. IPv4 includes IGMP Multicast membership. IPv4 address also uses a broadcast where IPv6 doesn’t use a broadcast. IPv6 uses MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery) in Multicast membership. Things to notice in ipv4 ipv6 difference is that, Broadcast messages are available in IPv4 but in IPv6 Broadcast are not available.
compare ipv4 and ipv6
14.     Management
If we compare ipv4 and ipv6 then, IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) manages membership in local subnet group in IPv4. It uses IGMP to manage multicast group membership. If we go in the side of IPv6 then it uses MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery). It means that, IGMP is replaced with MLD messages in IPv6.
15.     Address space
The address space is small of IPv4 as compared to IPv6. IPv4 address has certain limitations. It can provide around 4 billion possible addresses. If we do it mathematically to find the number of address then we find 232 = 4294967296 (Around 4.3 billion). Similarly, the address space of IPv6 is large. The number of address that can be contain by IPv6 is 2128 = 3.4028236692093846346337460743177e+38 addresses.
In ipv4 and ipv6 difference the major point to be noted is that, IPv6 is much better than IPv4 because IPv6 can contains a large numbers of Unique IP addresses as compared to IPv4.
16.     Address Type
IPv4 includes broadcast, multicast and unicast address. There is availability of Broadcast message in IPv4. We can find IGMP multicast membership in IPv4.
In ipv4 and ipv6 difference we can find that IPv4 is an old method of IP addressing to any device as compared to IPv6. IPv4 is a fourth generation or version of IP address having Prefix notation like ‘’. IPv6 is a sixth version of IP address Prefix notation like ‘2001:db8::8a2e: 370:7334’. The address format of IPv4 have dotted decimal notation but the address format of IPv6 is Hexadecimal notation. IPv4 was deployed in 1981 whereas IPv6 was deployed in 1999. If we talk abut address size then IPv4 uses 32-bit number and IPv6 uses 64-bit number system.
       In terms od IPsec IPv4 supports or use it as optional but IPv6 used or support is as Inbuilt. Fragmentation is done by both the users or senders and routers in IPv4. In IPv6 fragmentation is done only by the sender. IPv6 router doesn’t support packet fragmentation. So, fragmentation in IPv6 is done only by Sender or host. IPv4 has manual configuration but IPv6 has automatic configuration. IPv4 version use broadcast and multicast whereas IPv6 doesn’t use any broadcast and multicast.
From above ipv4 and ipv6 difference or from comparison between ipv4 and ipv6 we can say that IPv6 is more powerful and more secure as compared to IPv4. Ipv6 is more secure because the number or digits used in IPv6 is more and in complex form which makes strong address in internet. IPv6 is used in practice to solve the address allocation problems because of large numbers of internet using devices. In future IPv4 address space is not sufficient. We have mentioned the difference between ipv4 and ipv6 in tabular form.

If we compare ipv4 and ipv6 or find out the ipv4 ipv6 difference or difference between ipv4 and ipv6 then it is clear that, IPv6 not only provides above positive points but also provides other technical benefits like to provide a huge addressing space to the address. It helps in providing additional optimization for providing the technical and internet services.


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