After-care concerns many people who have had lip injections. This type of cosmetic injectable has become more popular over the years. This article is designed to address your concerns and answer your questions about lip-filler after-care.
How can you reduce swelling following lip-fillers and what to do for lip-filler after-care?
The following are our top tips and tricks for creating an extraordinary final product:
- You should refrain from strenuous, excessive or dangerous exercise for at most 24 hours after treatment.
- After treatment, it is important to avoid extreme heat for at minimum 24 hours.
- Use an icepack to cool your lips.
- Drink lots of water
- Salty foods should not be eaten for more than 24hrs as they can lead to dehydration.
Can I eat after lip injections?
It’s possible, but you should follow these top tips if your event is very important.
The first day is the best time to stick to foods that are simple to eat, and easier to chew.
You should avoid taking vitamin e supplements for more than a week, as it can lead to increased risk of bruising.
After lip filler: Do’s and don its
Advice on aftercare for lips:
- Choose easy-to eat foods
- You can bring lipstick and/or lip liner to your appointment. It will be easy to apply immediately after treatment, to cover up any visible bruising.
- Don’t kiss your lips or massage your lips after the procedure. It may be possible to do so for up 24 hours if you are using your first lip-filler injection.
- Please take care when you wash your skin for more than 24 hours
- Do not use any exfoliating agent over 24 hours.
- Not get a facial for at least 2 weeks
- Avoid drinking through a straw in the first day of your visit. This places pressure on your lips
- After you have consumed fillers, do not consume alcohol within 24 hours.
- Should not work out for longer than 24 hours
Lip necrosis after filler symptoms
Necrosis is defined by “the death in large or all of the cell in an organ or tissues due to disease, injury or failures of the blood supply.” It’s very rare and only 1 of every 100,000 cases. It often occurs from either one of these two causes:
Obstructing blood vessel supply. This can be done either by injecting too little filler or creating too much inflammation near a vein. This can cause lip necrosis because the soft tissues are unable to receive the blood flow they need.
Via direct injury due to poor injection technique.
Lip necrosis can present in a variety of symptoms, including but not limited:
Ever pain, which can slowly grow after the treatment. It is due to the fact that the numbing medication used during the initial therapy has begun to wear off.
Whitening with prolonged persistence, after applying lip fillers. This occurs because of a decreased blood flow to the affected area
See our lip fillers treatment page for essential information and prices from our resident facial aesthetics expert at